Mark the Evangelist Update – September 12 2015


the latest MtE news update:

  1. On Sunday September 20 there will be a congregation discussion following worship (this replaces the previously planned Sunday Conversation). This will be an introduction of the Mark the Evangelist Futures Project (MTEFP), which is the process we will be going through to make a decision regarding our utilisation of the various capital resources we have for mission (including questions of the renovation of Union Memorial Church). The MTEFP is a major exercise which will engage us for the next 6-8 months. Further details about the September 20 meeting have been posted directly to congregational members. We expect to begin after a brief morning tea, and for the introduction and discussion to run between 1.5 and 2 hours (and so to include a light bring-to-share lunch).
  2. The most recent Synod e-Newsletter is here.
    Dr John Langmore will be presenting the next in the Church of all Nation’s series of Spring Conversations: Both Sides of War. His topic will be: Community Action for Peace. All are welcome at the CAN Church Space (180 Palmerston Street Carlton) for conversation and a light dinner on Monday 14 September between 5:30 and 7:30 pm.
  4. The VicTas Synod of the UCA has recently launched its Safe Church Policy; see here for more information.
  5. The Assembly of the UCA has called for immediate sanctuary in Australia of refugees from Syria and Iraq; see the press release here.
