MtE Update – August 7 2020

  1. News from the Justice and International Mission Cluster  (August 3)
  2. The most recent Synod eNews (August 6)
  3. Next edition of MtE. If you have something you would be able to prepare for inclusion in the next issue of Mark the Word, please let Rosemary or Suzanne know!
  4. See the latest update as to what has been happening at Hotham Mission
  5. This Sunday August 9 we continue our new preaching series following the prophet Ezekiel. The focus text this week will be Ezekiel 6.1-10, with the set reading from Matthew as well, see here for comment on the Matthew text.  If you’ve not already looked at them, some background info on Ezekiel can be found from the Bible Project’s summary of the book in two videos — Part 1 and Part 2 (about 15 minutes in total) — and from Professor Christine Hayes’ introduction to Ezekiel in her Yale lectures (about the first 30 minutes of this lecture; this is the material we are presently using on our weekly discussion groups).
  6. A brief account of ministry of the saint(s) commemorated this Sunday can be found here: August 8 – Mary Helen MacKillop