MtE Update – February 28 2017


the latest MtE Update!

  1. A reminder that Lent begins with our Ash Wednesday service tomorrow evening, Wednesday March 1, at 6pm at Mark the Evangelist.
  2. Our Lenten Studies (the Friday group) have already begun, and continue at Hawthorn at 9.30am; the Wednesday series will begin on March 8 (North Melbourne, 7pm). Copies of the study booklet (on the theme of the Lord’s Prayer) are now available on Sundays, or by download from the Studies page on our website (here).
  3. For the diary: our congregational picnic is coming up on March 26, following worship on that day (Royal Park).
  4. If you’d like to do some background work on this coming Sunday’s readings (March 5, Lent 1A), these links might be of assistance:
  5. Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7

    Psalm 32

    Romans 5:12-19

    Matthew 4:1-11,

    Other things of potential interest:

    A seminar at Brunswick UCA