Incorporation of the VicTas Synod

A personal response to the advice from the General Secretary


Hi Mark,

I’ve read this with interest, and largely with agreement regarding the intended outcome and the rationale.
I’m concerned about the process, however. The second paragraph commences: “The SSC has resolved to seek a change to the legislative structure of the Synod”. The letter, however, implies that the SSC “resolved to change the legislative structure”.
This is unclear. Has the SSC made this decision on behalf of the Synod? If so, this concerns me greatly. Given that the letter indicates the possible need for changes to UCA Regulations and Constitution and the different legal requirements currently in place in different States and Territories, it seems to me that the matter ought to be considered by the whole Synod and not executed by the SSC only. As I understand it, this is the way the Anglicans in Victoria have dealt with the question.
Much has been made of the non-incorporated status of the church in the past – not least how this has made us “different’ from other civil entities – and, while incorporating has the positive benefits described in your letter, I believe that a final resolution on the matter ought to be made by a well-informed Synod meeting and not the SSC only, even if this were to involve a special Synod meeting for the purpose to deal with the matter in a timely fashion.