MtE Update – March 24 2017


the latest MtE Update!

  1. Our congregational picnic is this Sunday, March 26, following worship on that day (Royal Park) — BYO everything to gather at the Australian Native Gardens section of Royal Park, near the corner of Gatehouse Street and The Avenue, Parkville (map) – about 5 minutes from the church.
  2. If you’re wondering what is going on with the children’s talks in church recently, there’s a description of the logic on this new page on our web site. From the bottom of that page you can jump to another page which includes a demonstration of the memory palace concept with a 360° panoramic picture of the church as an aid to developing the memory of the unfolding story.
  3. If you’d like to do some background work on this coming Sunday’s readings (March 26, Lent 4A), these links will be of assistance:

1 Samuel 16:1-13

Psalm 23

Ephesians 5:8-14

John 9:1-41

Other things of potential interest:

A local fundraiser for a Philippines charity