Tag Archives: Mystery

LitBit Commentary – Timothy Radcliffe on the Eucharist 1

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The Eucharist is a mystery not because it is mysterious, but because it is a sign of God’s secret purpose, which is to unite all things in Christ.  In the Eucharist we celebrate that the mess of human history, with its violence and sin, its wars and genocides, is somehow, in ways that we cannot now understand, on its way to the kingdom.  It is God’s will that we be gathered into unity, reconciled with each other.  And so we begin the Eucharist asking the forgiveness of our brothers and sisters, the angels and the saints, the whole vast community of the kingdom.  It is a sign that we are willing to be gathered into God’s peace with the rest of creation.

Timothy Radcliffe, Why Go to Church? p.19


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LitBit Commentary – Timothy Radcliffe on the Creeds

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“The purpose of the dogmas of the Church is not to shut down further discussion.  Quite the opposite: they evolved in opposition to heresies which did just that, wrapping up the truths of our faith in narrow theological positions which betrayed the mystery.  …dogmas can be treated as idols, which halt our search for God, but properly understood they are icons which invite us to carry on our pilgrimage towards the mystery, pushing us beyond too easy answers.” Timothy Radcliffe, Why Go to Church? p.67


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