When Church Stops Working – Online Discussion Groups Oct-Nov 2023

Join us for a series of conversations around Andrew Root and Blair Bertrand’s When church stops working: a future for your congregation beyond more money, programs and innovation.

These studies will be shared by a number of Uniting Churches (and perhaps others) — it will be great to be thinking together about these things across congregations!

Over 8 weeks, we will consider:

  1. Why your church has a problem, but it isn’t what you think
  2. Busy people, busty church – a killer cocktail
  3. Stop all the having and just be
  4. It’s time to wait, but for what?
  5. Waiting brings life, not a slow death
  6. Forget the mission statement – get a watchword
  7. Out of the family basement
  8. Nothing can separate you

Participants should get their own copy of the book and read the set chapter for that week in preparation for the discussion.

The quickest and cheapest option for getting your copy is probably here (paperback via Amazon, or Kindle), or you could try Koorong but it may be available elsewhere .

The sessions run for 75-90 mins, and will meet as follows (please note, start date is now a week later than originally advertised):

  • 1 – ONLINE Wednesday nights, 7.45pm, from October 4
  • 2 – ONLINE Friday afternoons, 1.30pm, from October 6

Please register you interest in the form below, in order to receive the Zoom link for these conversation groups.

We hope you can join us for what will certainly be stimulating discussions!


REGISTRATION: When church stops working [Sept-Nov 2023]

REGISTRATION: When church stops working [Sept-Nov 2023]

Please indicate which group you plan to attend (you can switch between groups week by week)

Please enter your name
Please enter your name
I will be coming to the following online group (the groups will be synchronised, so you can switch between them)