
Midwifery and mission: contradicting darkness to bring forth life.

As part of the 150th Anniversary of the Congregation, celebrated from 29-31 October 2004, a commemorative sculpture created by Anna Meszaros was installed on the forecourt of the church to mark the occasion. The Sculpture was dedicated on Trinity Sunday, 22 May 2005, the day we reflect on the mission of the church.

The aim was to:

  • speak symbolically of our life and mission in the gospel to those passing by;
  • link the inner and the outer life of the congregation – its worship and mission – in concrete form;
  • offer a feminine image to complement the male Reformers pictured in the rose window in the church; and
  • add something of artistic beauty to the church precinct.

Midwifery is central to the Biblical and theological story in Exodus 1:8-2:10. These two midwives are a model of what the creative power of God is like.  It is resistant, running counter to the powers of the world.  It is compassionate, treating human life as sacred. It uses daring means, and works through the small and weak to overcome the strength of the mighty, bringing freedom and life for many. A midwife is a companion to another, entering into realms that are deep and intimate to facilitate and preserve life. Being a midwife is a role that is not restricted to being a woman, or an expert. Midwives are found wherever there are those who help to bring forth new life and faith in the world.

For an elaboration of the concept behind the commemorative sculpture, click here.