MtE Update – July 11 2024
Coming Soon!
- Worship this Sunday, July 14, our focus text in worship will be Psalm 85
- The MtE Events Calendar
- Most recent Assembly news (July 10)
- Most recent Synod News (July 11)
Advance Notice
- For those with a heart for Israeli-Palestinian relations — a conversation on July 31: Two Truths One Heart, Two Peoples One Land
- Church in Ordinary Time: A Wisdom Ecclesiology July 18
- The Wesley Centre invites you to a public lecture by Professor Grace Ji-Sun Kim about her new book When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a more Just Christianity. This event will be held at Wesley Church, Lonsdale Street, on Sunday 28th July from 3.30-5pm. Details and RSVP here
- Early Christians as Readers (Free public lecture) July 29
Other things which might interest
- Previous sermons and services (video recordings)