Sunday Worship at MtE – Gathered and Online
With the relaxation of some COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria, MtE is able to move towards fully gathered worship again.
The first gathered service will be November 29, 2020. Members of the congregation who would like to attend can expect that there will be space for them.
We regret that, on account of a strict limit on numbers permitted in the building, we cannot guarantee entry to everyone who might like to come and so visitors who would like to attend should register their interest — please contact the minister.
Masks will have to be worn, attendance registered, seating will be according to current health requirements, ‘physical distancing’ will be in place as well as other C-19 requirements. Holy Communion will be distributed ‘under one kind’ (bread only) after a suitable sanitisation of hands.
As these services will be live-streamed, there is also the possibility that you will appear in the broadcast (should this be a concern to you) although the cameras will principally focus on the front sanctuary space.
After the live-streamed services are finished they will continue to be available on our YouTube channel or via the links below (the most recently available service is at the top of the list):