Monthly Archives: March 2022

Sunday Worship at MtE – 6 March 2022

The worship service for Sunday 6 March 2022 can be viewed by clicking on the image below. 

Other worship services can be found in the list below or at the MtE YouTube channel

The order of service can be viewed here.

2 March – On “giving up” for Lent

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Ash Wednesday

2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-20

In a sentence:
Lent is a time to give up anything which reduces us or others

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

We hear this every Ash Wednesday and, with the text ringing in our ears, we have learned that Lent is a time of “giving up”. We “give up” wine, or meat or coffee or chocolate or some other thing which might count as a “treasure”. This is, in part, an act of sacrifice which honours Jesus’ own “giving up” of his life in faithfulness to his calling.

Of course, the implication o “giving up” for a season is that we will then, with a sigh of relief, “take up” whatever we have sacrificed once Easter arrives. There is nothing particularly wrong with this, especially if the disciple of such time-limited sacrifice causes us to think about the ministry of Jesus and the meaning of the cross.

But let’s consider that not all treasures are alike. In particular, not all treasures glitter but they still seem important to us. At least, we invest a lot of time and energy in them.

So, for example, what would it mean to give up gossip for Lent? Or slander? Or snobbishness? What we treasure in these things is judgement. Let us give up being judgemental for the 40 days of Lent; there’s plenty of time to judge others over the rest of the year.

Of course, the real sting in judgement is that, if we are really good at it, we will also judge ourselves, for better or for worse. The “worse” is the more interesting here. What if we gave up our shame? Or our guilt? Or our fear? Again, the venerated tradition of giving things up for Lent means that we can start feeling ashamed and guilty and afraid again once Easter comes. Lent is only 40 days, and surely we can cope with not judging ourselves for that long.

Where your treasure is, there is your heart. Where your heart is, there is your treasure. This tells us what we value, but not what is valuable in itself. What is valuable, Jesus says, is what cannot rust or be snatched away. Whatever good Lenten disciplines might indeed do for us, penitence is not a season because forgiveness is not a season. Forgiveness doesn’t corrode and can’t be stolen away because it is a re-valuing of all value – God’s own re-valuing

To judge another is to place a value on her, and so we feel justified in denying her our treasures. To judge ourselves is to have treasured the wrong thing. We reduce ourselves to our knowledge of who we are rather than God’s knowledge of us.

Lenten disciplines are targeted at those things which make us less than free and loving human beings. We give up only what does not accord with that, and we do not take those things up again. This might or might not include wine or chocolate; it almost certainly includes slander and guilt.

Let us then, at least for the season of Lent, stop being sad and fearful at our own expense, greedy and safe at the expense of others.

And let us see what God will do with that.

MtE Update – March 2 2022


  1. Lent and Easter at MtE
  2. The most recent Presbytery News (Feb 28)
  3. A three-week Lenten Studies series will commence face-to-face from Wednesday March 16 and online from Friday March 18. Details are here!
  4. CHECK OUT what’s happening at Hotham Mission
  5. The most recent Synod eNews (Feb 24)
  6. The most recent news from the UCA Assembly (Feb 23)
  7. This Sunday March 6, we begin a series of Lenten reflections on disciple and mission. Our focus text will be the set gospel reading most weeks. This week’s gospel text will be Luke 4.1-13. See also below!!
  8. For most of the Sundays in Lent, we’ll adopt a different approach to the hearing-the-Word part of the liturgy. The proclamation time will take the shape of a kind of communal discernment in response to a statement about what it means to be Christians at mission in the world. These statements will be heard as recorded audio in the service, followed by a brief guided conversation. After this, we will hear the gospel as colour to what we have heard and said together, a short reflection from the “preacher” for the day. We will then proceed to the Eucharist. Everything we expect from a worship will – hopefully – still be present, but the space will be more interactive, with the seating re-arranged over Lent to make for better conversation. The audio comes via our subscription to


  1. Our COVID policy for worship will be reviewed at Church Council this week; until then, the follow still applies:
  2. Attendance at gathered services is presently limited to those who demonstrate that they have had two COVID-19 vaccination shots, or that they are exempt from being vaccinated. It will be necessary to provide proof of your vaccination, either prior to the service or on the day at the door, but this only needs to be shown once for recording; please see here for more information. If you presently are unable to attend under these conditions the live-stream is still available from the home page, or please contact Craig or your elder.
  3. Mindful of the health-vulnerability of some members of our congregation and the uncertain state of play with respect to the pandemic, the church council has decided that we will continue to wear masks in worship throughout February, except for those who need to remove them when leading the worship, and for morning tea, or who have an exemption from wearing a mask. We have now returned to reception of Holy Communion in both kinds – small communion glasses only.

Advance Notice

  1. March 20: Bible Readers’ workshop after worship
  2. April 10: The Passion of the Christ according to St Luke
  3. May 1: Congregational AGM
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