MtE Update – February 3 2017


the first MtE Update for 2017!

  1. There’ll be a hymn-learning session Sunday week Feb 12, following morning tea
  2. Hotham Mission’s work featured recently in a local newspaper report: here.
  3. Our study groups for the year will begin with a Lenten series on the Lord’s Prayer. Details about this and other planned groups through the year are here.
  4. The latest Presbytery update (January 11) is here.
  5. Some forthcoming dates for your calendar:
    1. On Monday February 20 (6.30pm) we will be presenting Brother Bray of Bethlehem University at a public event in our hall. More details will be available shortly!
    2. Congregational meeting February 26 (receipt of 2017 budget)
    3. Ash Wednesday service: Wednesday March 1, 6.00pm
    4. Congregational picnic March 26
  6. If you’d like to do some background work on this coming Sunday’s readings (February 5, Epiphany 5A), have a look at these links:

Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12),

Psalm 112,

Matthew 5:13-20,

1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16)